Bake Sale Fundraiser
February 2 9:30 am - 12:00 pm
Bake Sale Fundraiser for Kids & Youth
Our Youth & Kids bake sale fundraiser helps students (& parents!) get a jump on raising funds for events like Fusion Fire Youth Conferences, Fusion Bible Camp, and other USM & Kids for Christ Events. Get some yummy treats AND help support our kids! Win win!
Instructions for families participating in the Bake Sale Fundraiser (must be eligible for kids or youth camp ):
Bake up some treats and bring to the church packaged & price by 9:30 AM on Sunday, February 2nd. Students will need to stay and help with the sale. Funds raised will be split between participating students and deposited directly into students youth fundraiser account.
Need some inspiration? Check out our Bake Sale Fundraiser Pinterest board here.